Bowing Hinge Tutorial

It's a bit later than I planned, nevertheless finally I completed the bowing hinge tutorial. I had the tutorial pictures ready when I made previous album. But, as I was making the tutorial, I had to recaptured some pictures. I noticed that I didn't capture the picture well enough or the picture is not clear enough.

Yes, I agree that it would be faster if I made a real video instead of slideshow video. Sadly, I don't have a good setup for video capturing. I don't have the dedicated space for video filming either. The best I could have is my big master bathroom sink counter top as my photo capturing space. (Thanks to my hubby for tolerating the setup).

So, yeah... I did my best in making the slideshow video. I hope the video is easy to understand and follow. I welcome any suggestions to improve the tutorial slideshow.

Please pardon me for not re-typing the tutorial here. It's a bit long and I think the YouTube video is clear enough to narate how I made the bowing hinge in my Fairy Garden Album.

Without further ado, this is the video

The scoring guide available here.

Happy Crafting,
