Paper weaving note

  • Use one tube to weave odd number poles
  • Use two tubes to weave even number poles
  • Use cardboard for a sturdier base
  • The width of the paper determine the toughness of the tubes. The wider the paper, the thicker the thicker the tube and the sturdier the basket it made (but it's also hard to work with and to cut)
  • When using different paper with different thickness, adjust the width of the paper to make similar sturdiness of the tubes. Using different tubes' thickness will result in different sturdiness/thickness of the finished article
  • The smaller the angle of the skewer to the paper, the better quality the tube
  • To make a sturdy basket, 'fold' the tube around two poles
  • Before rolling the papers into tubes, stack it in the orientation you want to be. The  preferred pattern need to be facing down and the edges you want to show is on the top.


